7 fatal fashion crimes

Many women want to be attractive, but some try too hard, committing fashion crimes along the way. Read to the end and find out how they can be easily avoided.

There can be only one step from stylishness to absurdity. How not to do it?

Incorrectly fitted shoes

Long maxi skirts and elegant floor-length dresses are best worn with flat shoes. This is especially true in the summer, when high heels are generally not very appropriate.

If for a girl such a parameter as the height of the heel turns out to be very important, then it is not worth choosing fashionable shoes for clothes, but, on the contrary, outfits for shoes.

Desire to be higher

7 fatal fashion crimes

Many women believe that the higher the heel, the more effective they look. However, very high heels spoil even the most beautiful gait. The girl hobbling on stiletto heels evokes mockery, not admiration.

White underwear under white clothes

What to wear under a white dress, top or skirt? Of course, white underwear – most girls think so, and they are deeply wrong, because only flesh-colored underwear is suitable for white clothes. White is very noticeable under white, and the meaning of the linen is to be hidden, not conspicuous.

7 fatal fashion crimes

But the problem for many is not only in color. There is even a hilarious term VPL in English: visible panty lines. This is when the contours of the linen show through under the clothes.

Straps peeking out from under summer t-shirts

As soon as it gets hot, women put on sleeveless tops. At the same time, they continue to wear traditional bras, showing the world underwear straps. It is both unfashionable and ugly. Moreover, there are many options for underwear especially for summer open clothes. Under the T-shirts will fit the T-shirts of the bras, and under the back of the racer – the racerback bras.

Outdated swimwear

What makes women wear a thong swimsuit to the beach? Even on the best figure, which few can boast of, in a public place they look strange. Plus, they’re just outdated. This fashion has passed.

So is the fashion for bras with underwire and shoulder straps. All modern bikini tops come with a tie around the neck.

Love for round bangs

Some women have an irresistible love for the round bangs that were popular in the 90s.The bangs, laid on a round brush and standing over the forehead, went out of fashion 30 years ago!

It is worth paying attention to more modern options. For example, if the forehead is high, long slanting bangs are perfect.

Overloading with plastic

Plastic surgery can work both miracles and real horror. Too white, unnaturally straight teeth; forehead, smooth and shiny like a roller from an overabundance of botox; breasts that resemble balls; eyebrows drawn with a tattoo; lips that are more suitable for fish – none of this adorns anyone.

7 fatal fashion crimes

All features can be brought to the point of absurdity: stick on eyelashes, extend hair, make breasts bigger, nails longer, lips and cheeks swollen, skin perfectly smooth. The result is not beauty. It seems at least strange when features considered to be beautiful begin to intensify and intensify, leading to a caricature.

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