What to pay attention at the very beginning of a relationship

When new relationships are born, we are filled with positive emotions, and “butterflies” fly in our stomachs. In a state of such euphoria, it is easy not to notice alarm bells, they show that a person does not suit you or behaves like a manipulator.

In this article, we discuss what points are important to pay attention to during the romantic period. 

When relationships start: 7 wake-up calls

Your relatives and friends notice “oddities.”

Of course, you choose a life partner for yourself, but you should also listen to the opinions of others. You can better take a closer look at the chosen one, using the constructive criticism of people who care about you. Ask them what confuses them and why. When a person is not blinded by falling in love, he can notice aggression or pretense better.

Relationships are developing too quickly.

Your chosen one can rush things because of selfish goals. Usually, insecure men, gigolo or abusers strive for the rapid development of relationships. It is good when a man takes the initiative, but if he is too assertive and proposes after a month of dating, you should think about it.

A man lives by the laws of patriarchy.

If you are not close to the concept that a woman should only be a housewife, cook and please her husband, be careful in developing a relationship with a man who openly preaches the principles of patriarchy. Often such men are sure that a woman has no freedom of speech, except to raise children, and there is no need to even think of her career and personal preferences.

The man convinces you that all males are polygamous by nature.

The message is: “I’m not going to be faithful to you.” In the world of such men, he can betray you, but a woman’s betrayal is unacceptable. Think about whether you want to be with a man who lives by such principles.

Your chosen one does not take you seriously.

When communicating with friends, he can call you by nicknames that you don’t like, criticize and allow himself unflattering statements about you. If you are not comfortable with the person next to you, it is unlikely that something will change after marriage.

The man constantly discusses his ex.

In a relationship, two people should work, rarely only one is to blame. If he convinces you that his ex was so and so, and he is a saint, with 99% probability he is lying. If the man goes on and allows himself to compare you to his ex, it is worth leaving.

A man does not know how to admit guilt.

If during quarrels you always find yourself guilty, and your partner skillfully turns the situation in his favor, think about it. People who never ask for forgiveness and are always right do not know how to build good relationships.

Try to take a closer look at your potential partner. Falling in love will  pass, and with a manipulator and a false man, true love cannot be built.

Lady Life  Magazine