Relationship with a husband after the birth of a child: how to improve?

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After the birth of a child, the life of a couple inevitably changes. Now we have to take into account the interests of three, and one of them requires round-the-clock attention and care.

A woman has to be multitasking:

  • She needs to pay attention to the baby, create a space of unconditional love.
  • She needs to take care of the relationship with a man, take him both as a father and a husband.
  • She needs  to think about herself, find opportunities for quick recovery.

All this will work out if two people participate in the process.

The space of mutual love and respect between parents is the key to the healthy development of the child.

How do I create it?

The very first thing to do is to inform the young dad about the mother’s condition after childbirth and during breastfeeding. You need to talk about physiological, emotional and hormonal changes.

It is good if a specialist will talk to him: a doctor, a psychologist, a nurse or a significant representative of the older generation.

A man should be prepared for the fact that a woman after childbirth does not always fly like a fairy. She will be tired, anxious, having lost some of her attractiveness and sexuality.

And the baby himself is a source of not only great love, joy, hopes, but also constant troubles: new care procedures, an unusual regime of the day and family life.

Warn your man about this. Ideally, before pregnancy.

Do not separate yourself from the man.

A man is not an outside observer, but an equal participant in all events. He is no less significant and important than a baby. It is important that a division does not appear: they (mother + baby) and I, secondary, necessary only for making money.

It is important for a young mother to give an opportunity for a man to establish contact with a child: physical and psychological.

Experts have found that the developmental influence of the father on the child starts from the first days of life and is “recorded” in the subconscious of the child and in the energy field of the family, as a blissful field of love that affects the next generations!

You are not only a mom, but he is not only a dad

It is important for a man and a woman to find time for communication, not only in the roles of mom and dad, but also as lovers.

Alternative ways of sexual interaction in the postpartum period are touching, hugging.

At least 15 minutes a day together is the main secret. This time should be only for two, without a toddler, phone, TV or computer. When a wife is next to her husband not as with the father of the family and the owner of the house, but with her man, a loved one, with his feelings, experiences and aspirations.


Another important tip: do not make excessive demands on yourself or your partner, always highlight what is in priority. For example, if you have not slept – sleep, aside cleaning and cooking, because sleep is a basic need, it is the most important.

If you see that the man is exhausted, and you still have some resources – let him breathe out. A dad will have a rest and positive emotions will return.

Don’t focus on one thing

It is important for healthy family relationships to pay attention to all areas of life. For example, a woman after childbirth tends to focus on the health of the baby, but forgets about herself, her development, learning, beauty, creativity.

Of course, no one forces you to do some scientific research right after the hospital. It’s about something else: do not dive completely into the baby, stay interesting.

If it’s difficult, go through the main areas of life with at least attention. Feeling that your “spiritual development” has sagged – do a meditation or watch an inspiring video. The same thing with all aspects of life.

Lady Life  Magazine