reduce sexual desire
These routine habits can seriously affect your libido. Who is guilty? And what to do?

The famous expression: “From love to hate – one step”, in the realities of modern life should be paraphrased, replacing “hatred” with “lethargy”. American scientists from the University of Ontari, who published research in the profile publication Sex & Marital Therapy, claim that every month a woman’s sexual desire for a regular partner naturally decreases by 0.02%. Depending on the situation, in just 6-30 months we go from passion and lust to (in best case) reverent care and guardianship. What is killing our sexual desire?


Calm, only calm. A large number of stressful situations (from traffic jams and meetings with the boss to fears from childhood) reduces the production of testosterone, a hormone which sexual desire directly depends on. In addition, stress is accompanied by an adrenaline rush, which exhausts us – emotionally and physically – and makes us feel tired. As a result when it comes to bed we want one thing – to sleep. Just to sleep. As they say, wedge knock out a wedge . The best antidote to stress is sex. The more often we make love, the more endorphins and oxytocin our bodies receive.


According to Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer from Columbia University: “Low self-esteem and negative perception of your own appearance effects on love appetites: you feel that you aren’t able to attract a partner sexually. Men feel it.” The vicious circle is complete. Being concentrated on defects of the body (from cellulite to a hump on your nose), you cannot relax and only you are thinking of whether your partner will notice the “flaws of nature”. Stop! Believe me, sexual appetites have nothing to do with a perfect body.


Scandals and fights in a couple create not only temporary tension in the relationship, but also give rise to feelings of anger.  And do you think a man  wants to have sex with a woman who blames him for all her troubles? ” To save not only your union, but also your libido, you will have to talk heart to heart, find out what interferes with a harmonious relationship, find a compromise and even ask a family specialist for advice. Be honest during  this conversation.


According to Robert Thayer, professor of psychology at the University of California at Long Beach, “One of the main problems that seriously affects sexual desire is insomnia. The stress caused by lack of sleep makes us insensitive to pleasant stimuli such as petting. ” In addition, sleep deprivation reduces the body’s testosterone levels and increases the secretion of cortisol, the anxiety hormone. To enjoy erotic scenes with your own participation it is important to have enough sleep. The good advice is to turn off the alarm clock and mobile phones in bed from time to time.


“About 30% of people who suffer from significant weight gain (in fact, obesity) are much less likely to achieve sexual satisfaction in bed,” explains Dr. Andrew Collo of the University of New York. “This is because weight affects the work of blood vessels, including the genital area, which directly affects their sensitivity.”

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An established stereotype that has nothing to do with reality: alcohol makes us more liberated, most of the internal prohibitions and barriers disappear and, as a result, we enjoy the best sex in life. The truth is that a large amount of alcohol does not increase libido, but kills it: it affects the nerve endings.In addition alcohol causes dehydration, which affects vaginal lubrication.


“Birth control pills inevitably alter a woman’s hormonal balance by reducing the production of estrogen and testosterone which are responsible for sexual appetites. Other side effects include pain during sex, vaginal dryness or difficulty reaching orgasm, ”explains Dr. Rebecca Stand of the University of Louisville. If it seems to you that taking the pills effects on your sex life, ask your doctor to prescribe a medication with a hormonal composition or choose another method of contraception.


Another strong point in favor of staying away from fatty food: fats create hormonal disbalances in the body and can affect blood sugar levels, making you feel heavy and sleepy.

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All the forces of your body will be spent not on the work of intimate organs, but on the process of digestion. Try to have dinner before 8 pm and choose lighter dishes for your evening meal: vegetables or fish. You will save much more energy for intercourse with your loved one.

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