9 healthy foods for dogs

Thousands of years ago, when dogs were just tamed, our ancestors fed them with scraps from their tables. They gave the dogs human food, such as cuts of meat, vegetables, fruits – everything that was left of their own meal. But is it really that good for our dogs?

Today, it’s hard not to see a return to healthy canine food ingredients, especially if you are the type of person who is focused on studying the composition of dog food while standing at the pet store.

Some of the ingredients found in dog food may surprise you. They would be more suitable for your own family dinner: not only chicken and eggs, but also carrots, spinach, apples and more.

“Although dogs are predominantly carnivores – meat eaters – they have historically been scavengers and thrive on fruits and vegetables,” says Lisa Peterson, director of the American Kennel Club. “Adding fresh ingredients to a dog’s food can improve its health and also improve the taste of the food.”

Dog food requirements

All foods are expected to meet government dog nutritional standards. Professor Bonnie Beaver, former president of the American Association of Veterinary Medicine, advises: “When buying American-made food pay attention to the AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officers) mark, which develops the basic rules for the production, labeling and sale of animal nutrition in the USA. The AAFCO seal guarantees that the product is suitable for a healthy dog ​​diet,” says Professor Beaver.

According to AAFCO guidelines, healthy adult dog food should contain at least 18% protein, 5% fat, and an assortment of essential vitamins and minerals. For puppies or pregnant dogs, the minimum requirement is higher: 22% protein and 8% fat.

Several animal food manufacturers have responded to these AAFCO requirements by including ingredients such as organs, blood, bones, etc., fishmeal (ground fish scales or bones), and corn gluten (a by-product from the production of cornstarch or syrup. ).

But recently there has been a growing interest in feeding pets with more “natural” foods. Today, some pet food manufacturers are using more natural and healthy ingredients in their products.

Healthy foods for dogs:

  • Chicken and Eggs: The high quality protein in these foods helps maintain and build muscle tissue
  • Carrots: They are high in beta-carotene, which can be converted to vitamin A, which is beneficial for vision. According to AAFCO standards, its content in a dog’s diet should be at least 5000 IU / 1 kg.
  • Tomatoes: Rich in antioxidant beta-carotene and vitamin C, it limits cell damage and strengthens the immune system.
  • Peas: The content of antioxidants, including vitamin E, helps to strengthen the immune system and limits cell damage. AAFCO requires a minimum diet of at least 50 IU / kg in a healthy dog’s diet.
  • Spinach: Green leaves contain many essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, manganese, riboflavin, calcium and iron, which every dog ​​needs according to the AAFCO. Among other things, spinach has a positive effect on the health of the heart.
  • Apples and Beets: Contains naturally occurring fiber to promote healthy digestion in dogs.
  • Fish Oil and Flaxseed Oil: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial for healthy skin and coat shine.
  • Grains: Whole grains of barley, rice, and sorghum provide a natural source of energy and vitality for dogs.
  • Calcium: Essential for the health of bones and teeth, not only in humans, but also in dogs.

Harmful ingredients

A “healthy” human diet eliminates artificial flavors and preservatives. They should also be avoided in your dog’s diet. It is best to choose products with natural flavors. Note the common preservatives used in dog food are Ethoxyquin, BHA, or BHT. Some of the manufacturers claim they don’t use preservatives.

To keep your dog healthy, try to feed him natural foods or quality dog food. A balanced diet is extremely important for the animal. The correct weight of a dog and the quality of its fur directly depends on what foods are included in its diet.

One of the reasons why a man tamed a dog was feeding. According to Peterson, “The dogs chose humans – it was easier for them to please humans and get food in return than to go and hunt for food.”

One axiom has been true for centuries: “People love to share food with their dogs.”

Instinct Raw Boost Grain Free Dry Dog Food, Healthy Weight Recipe High Protein Kibble + Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food, 20 lb. Bag

9 healthy foods for dogs
Lady Life  Magazine