What is testosterone hormone responsible for in women’s bodies?

Testosterone is a sex hormone that is found both in a male and in a female bodies, which is involved in the normalization of the functioning of many human organs. It is formed in the testes of men, the ovaries of women, and partly in the adrenal cortex. Its amount depends on the age of the person, on the state of his or her body, on the type of occupation, even on the time of day. It provides a man with high sexual activity, strength and endurance.

What is testosterone hormone responsible for in women’s bodies?
The hormone testosterone makes women choose risky occupations

In a woman’s body, it is responsible for libido, regulation of fat and muscle mass, bone formation and prevention of osteoporosis. Testosterone helps women maintain normal energy levels in the body. One of the reasons for chronic fatigue is precisely a decrease in the amount of this hormone. Decreased testosterone is observed in vegetarian women, in those who follow a low-carb diet. Low indicators can also be a signal of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, osteoporosis and breast cancer. A low level of this hormone in a woman is the norm during menopause.

Girls who have not reached puberty have about 10 nanograms per deciliter in their blood – a fairly low index for girls of childbearing age. After the first menstruation, this mark rises to 70 ng / dl.
  The quality of muscle mass also depends on it. Low levels of the hormone lead to the fact that the muscles are depleted, the body becomes flabby, and weight increases due to the formation of a fat layer. If the rate of the hormone is normal, the metabolism is optimal, and it leads to the formation of elastic muscles but not fat.

Bone condition depends on testosterone levels. At the same time, the female hormone – estrogen prevents damage, bone fractures, and testosterone affects the structure of the skeleton, strengthening it. For this reason, it serves as the prevention of osteoporosis. This disease often overtakes women during menopause, when their body loses the lion’s share of sex hormones. Their level should be maintained at the normal range to keep the bone tissue strong and healthy.

Testosterone is a good mood hormone. It allows you to feel vigorous, cheerful, fight overwork, fatigue. Even with the systematic intake of vitamins, proper nutrition, good rest, a woman may feel weak, lethargic – these are possible symptoms of hormonal imbalance. This condition is often caused by a lack of testosterone in the body, so it needs to be kept normal.

Increased testosterone

The increased hormone in women’s bodies is much more common than in men’s. In medicine, this is called hyperandrogenism. Symptoms of high testosterone levels are easy to recognize. In women, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, possibly the absence of ovulation. High testosterone is the cause of infertility. As a result of an increased level of the hormone, there is also a risk of diabetes mellitus, complications of childbirth and sleep disturbances.

Signs of hyperandrogenism – hair loss, manifestation of masculine character traits: aggressiveness, striving for leadership, ambition. Hair begins to grow actively on the face, back, hands, fingers. The skin becomes oily, acne-prone, and the voice becomes low. The female figure takes on a masculine shape. Such women are more likely to indulge in alcohol and gambling. Changes in the genitals are possible. The clitoris may enlarge, expanding beyond the labia.

The causes of increased testosterone in women are: overactive adrenal cortex, unhealthy diet, genetic predisposition or tumors.

Pregnancy raises the level of this hormone, but this is considered normal. The maximum rates are reached by the third trimester of pregnancy. Strict control over the level of this hormone is necessary, since its high level can cause a frozen pregnancy.

Treatment methods

It is easier to treat the disease at the beginning of its development. First you need to consult a gynecologist, take a referral for analysis. It is taken on the 6-7th day of the menstrual cycle. Before the analysis, you cannot eat anything for 12 hours, go in for sports, smoke, you can only drink water.

The norm of testosterone in adult women is 0.45-3.75 nmol / l. If your hormone levels are high, your doctor will prescribe medication. Most often, women are prescribed the following drugs: diethylstilbestrol, cyproterone, dexamethasone and digostin. Do not under any circumstances self-treat with hormonal agents. This is very dangerous and can lead to side effects. In case of successful therapy, testosterone levels return to normal. But constant monitoring of its content is important, since after treatment stops, it can begin to rise again.

Dieting also helps. You need to eat more foods rich in female hormones. For example, soy products, apples, cherries, rice or wheat.

You can lower your hormone levels by consuming vegetable oil, fried potatoes, meat, vegetables, sugar, cream, 1 cup of coffee and no more than 3 grams of salt per day.

Yoga is an effective and fun way to help reduce the level of hormones. A person achieves physical, spiritual harmony, and, as a result, leads the body to cleanse itself of toxins, regulate the work of all its organs, eliminate existing deviations, and restore hormonal balance. You need to constantly train, improve your technique in order to achieve a result and consolidate it.

Sports are very beneficial. In addition to yoga, it is recommended to practice Pilates 3-4 times a week. However, with elevated testosterone levels, excessive strength training should be avoided so as not to provoke excess muscle growth.

Acupuncture also helps lower hormone levels. Punctures with thin needles improve the body’s energy metabolism, increase estrogen, and reduce testosterone.

An increase in this hormone in women is considered one of the most common pathologies of the endocrine system. However, early detection and treatment of the disease can minimize the effects of such an imbalance.

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