Red wine versus White wine

Why do we serve white and red wines at different temperatures and with different dishes? It’s all about technology, types and other tricks.

What is the difference between white wine and red wine?

White and red wines differ not only in color, but also in production technology. The taste depends on it, as well as the dishes with which these wines are perfectly combined.

Classically, white wine is made from white grapes, and red wine is made from red, although it is sometimes the other way around. But that’s not the whole difference.

How is white wine made?

White wine is peeled and pitted, and only then allowed to ferment. This gives it the sourness it needs. It is rather simpler in taste than red, refreshing wine, therefore it should be served chilled: from 42 to 55 F( 6-13 degrees C). The sourness ideally smooths out too creamy dishes, like cheese, opening up new flavors.

White wine can also be made from red grapes: after all, the skin is removed in the first stages of preparation. This is called “white wine making” – in this case the peels and seeds are removed as soon as possible. It happens when the peel and seeds are removed, but berries still go through the primary fermentation process, as is the case with red wine. This produces a white wine with red flavors.

Why is white wine useful?

Red wine versus White wine

It is in white wine that essential oils and trace elements are found. White wine helps digestion, better absorption of protein and iron. This drink contains no fatty acids, carcinogens, and few carbohydrates. White wine kills many microbes, reduces the effect of bad cholesterol and strengthens the walls of the arteries. It is also known that the drink increases the tone of the bronchi, prevents Alzheimer’s disease and the antioxidants contained in it inhibit the aging process. Well, it should be added that white wine is a great tool for removing toxins. Wine is good for health, that’s a fact.

How is red wine made?

Red wine versus White wine

Grapes for red wine, unlike grapes for white, ferments with seeds and skin, sometimes inside the berry itself (for this, the berries are hermetically sealed).

And then – grapes should ferment again, this gives the wine oiliness and tannins. The wine is loaded into vats, and then poured into wooden barrels, which gives it a vanilla aroma. Although it does not need to be aged in barrels.

Tannins, rich taste and heavy aroma open well at a temperature of 53 – 62 F (12-17 degrees), especially when interacting with air. The more complicated the process of making wine and the longer it has been in a barrel or bottle, the longer it needs to “breathe” – to remain open before drinking. Especially complex wines are best poured into a decanter to maximize their flavor.

 Flavors of red wine are ideal for meat dishes, taking into the background the flavor of fat and adding spice to the taste.

The taste of red wine can be changed at each stage of production, therefore it rather depends on the technology of preparation. The technology for making white wine is simpler, because its taste depends only on the grape type and its quality.

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Is red wine good for health?

Definitely yes. You won’t have enough fingers to list the health benefits of red wine. The polyphenols present in it block harmful bacteria, protecting our teeth and oral cavity. Resveratrol helps release the anti-stress protein PARP-1, which in turn influences genes responsible for DNA repair. Tannins, which are abundant in red wine, are rich in flavonoids, substances that improve blood circulation.

Why is red wine good for the heart? According to research, a glass of red dry a day helps to protect the cardiovascular system in general.

Which wine is healthier, white or red?

A very important element in wine is resveratrol. This powerful antioxidant helps to reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and resists obesity.

Resveratrol is best obtained by the body from red wine.  In red wine there are more useful substances than in white one. But white wine has less calories.

Red wine versus White wine

Let’s compare numbers:

  •  Red wine contains 5% of the daily value of potassium, white – 3%. 
  • There is twice as much iron in red wine – 4% versus 2% in white
  •  Riboflavin (vitamin B2, which is needed for the formation of red blood cells, antibodies, for skin health) – 3% versus 1%in white. 

In any case, the answer to the question “is wine healthy” is obvious. 

Therefore, doctors recommend a glass of red wine a day.

Healthy wine for women

It is believed that red wine reduces the risk of breast cancer. Aromatase inhibitors, which are found in both red and white wine, work to lower estrogen levels. The antioxidant resveratrol, present in the skins of dark grapes, has a positive effect on the skin, increasing its tone, helping to produce collagen. White wine improves blood circulation and speeds up metabolism. 

In general, we have to remember that the most useful wine is of high quality, and it is useful to drink wine only if you know when to stop.

 “Life is too short to drink bad wines,” Goethe said, and he was absolutely right.

Red wine versus White wine
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