Postpartum depression – how to handle it


As a general practitioner with two young children and numerous friends who have recently become mothers, I have studied the problem of postpartum depression well. There is an opinion that the appearance of a child is an extremely happy period in the life of every person. Of course, this is true, but sometimes this period is overshadowed by unpleasant symptoms that interfere with the formation of a strong bond between the mother and the child. It is believed that every seventh woman, regardless of her social status, educational level and culture, has a postpartum depression, 

    It is important to know that having a baby is a great stress, which is caused by the inevitable lack of sleep, the need to carry out a lot of new responsibilities and a lack of time for yourself.


    What symptoms does postpartum depression have, and by what sign can one understand that a young mother is suffering from it? In general, the state of depression is quite typical for new mothers. This is partly due to postpartum hormonal changes combined with lack of sleep and stress. Sudden mood swings, tears, irritability, insomnia and anxiety are all natural manifestations.

    However, in the case of postpartum depression, these symptoms become more pronounced and lasting. They can also be accompanied by suicidal moods, feelings of guilt, worthlessness, thoughts of harming the child. In the event of any of the listed symptoms, it is extremely important to urgently seek help.

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1. See your therapist or tell a neurologist about your condition.

    If these experts do not help you, contact others. Try to find someone who can understand you and prescribe the right treatment. It can include psychotherapy sessions and medication. There are treatments that can be applied regardless of whether you are breastfeeding. The right treatment will definitely help you.

2. Talk to friends or family.

   You don’t have to suffer alone. In the postpartum period, all women need support. Encourage your spouse to help you care for the child and do not forget to praise him.

3. Eat well.

Of course, having a newborn in your arms is not so easy to have time for a proper meal, not talking about cooking ! The advice to my patients is: be kind to yourself. Ask a friend or family member to help you. If this is not possible, buy ready-made healthy food – today this is not a problem. Eating a good meal will make you feel better – no remorse – now is not the time for dieting!

3. Rest and exercise.

   Lack of sleep affects mood negatively. And although, having a newborn baby, it is very difficult to find time to rest, it has to be done. In the first three months after giving birth, I always took a nap with my babies. Hiking, light swimming and special postnatal gymnastics (led by a specialist) are also beneficial for your well-being. But it is not worth striving to regain your former shape as soon as possible. It is important not to overdo and not start too early. Particular care should be taken when doing pelvic exercises, especially if you were injured during childbirth or had a cesarean section.

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4. Meet other moms and communicate on social networks.

    Having given birth to a child, you may feel isolated from society if your friends do not have children and colleagues are busy. In this case courses for young mothers can help you – there you will always find communication. It will definitely be easier for you if you find “friends in misfortune” – moms who feel the same way as you do. You can join appropriate groups on social networks (for example, on Facebook), where you will be given advice and support. You can even find new friends there. In addition, there are excellent websites and blogs where they write about motherhood truthfully, without embellishment. But you should not be looking at photos of ideal mothers and children on Instagram – after all, this is just an illusion!

5.  Prioritize

Do not try to keep the house in the same condition as before the birth of your baby – you simply don’t have enough strength to maintain an impeccable cleanliness. Reassure yourself that the chaos that has reigned in your once so tidy house is a temporary phenomenon.

I hope these 5 simple tips will help you understand how to deal with postpartum depression correctly.

Postpartum depression - how to handle it

Remember that the child needs a happy mother, who is generally satisfied with her life. The baby, before and after his birth, subtly feels your mood, rejoices and gets upset with you. When a mother is bad, her child is also bad, the more anxious the mother is, the more anxious the baby will be. The “mother-child” connection will be reliable if the woman knows how to properly take care not only of the child, but also of herself.

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