How to increase immunity

hygiene accessories

Personal hygiene is the key to your health

Why do you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene and what are they?

What is personal hygiene?

Personal hygiene is a set of rules that help maintain health and also protect a person from illness, old age and death. A section of the science of hygiene called personal hygiene is the rules on how to handle your skin, teeth, genitals and those objects that surround us in everyday life. Personal hygiene also affects proper nutrition, daily routine, and mental state.

If you eat healthy food, go in for sports and even douse yourself with cold water, then this improves the general condition of the body, increases immunity, and prolongs life.

Personal hygiene is an integral part of human culture. It is the adherence to the rules of personal hygiene that consciously distinguishes each of us from animals.

One of the most important tenets of personal hygiene is skin care. This must be done not only for an attractive appearance, but also for health.

The skin is one of the largest organs in the human body. Moreover, the skin is in one of the first places in the body in terms of the number of functions it performs. So, the skin is responsible for thermoregulation, oxygen enters the body through it, nutrients enter the blood through the skin. A healthy person has clean and smooth skin. The appearance on the skin of any acne, redness or ulceration indicates the dysfunction of the whole body. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor the condition of your skin. Take a warm shower daily using a hard washcloth and soap. Do not wear underwear that has not been washed. D Choose lingerie and clothing made from comfortable materials. It may not necessarily be pure cotton; many modern materials are not inferior. Going out into frost, wear mittens and treat exposed skin with special greasy creams.

A special attention you should pay to facial skin hygiene. Everything is very individual here. Depending on the type of skin and age, you should select both the means for cleaning and methods of care. So, for example, the  easiest is to take care of normal facial skin. But this is a very rare situation. Skin often becomes drier with age. Oily skin should not be washed with hot water. The same goes for oily hair. Hot water stimulates sebum production. Owners of dry skin should protect it from exposure to both cold and heat. It is important to moisturize dry skin because it fades faster.

Oral hygiene is a very important component of personal hygiene. If your teeth are out of order, then the whole body suffers. If there are teeth with caries in the mouth or with periodontitis, the infection easily spreads to the sinuses, tonsils, and kidneys. Therefore, brush your teeth regularly twice a day. To do this, use the correct toothpaste and brush. If you are unable to brush your teeth after each meal, rinse your mouth with at least clean water. It is advisable to remove food remaining using a dental floss or toothpick. Visit your dentist every six months.

Personal hygiene is impossible without hair hygiene. Wash your hair as often as it’s necessary to keep it clean. It is only important to choose a right shampoo. If your hair is so oily that it needs to be washed daily, find a shampoo for daily use. Do not comb your hair when it’s wet and do not use metal combs for this.

Personal hygiene and your nutrition are two concepts that cannot exist without each other. What a healthy lifestyle can we talk about  if a person constantly eats noodles or sandwiches. Therefore, by observing food hygiene, you also contribute to the piggy bank of your health and longevity.

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