Four sources of feminine energy plus a test

There are two opposite points of view on gender relations. Conditionally they can be called “western” and “eastern”.

“Eastern” – a man must fully provide for a woman, but at the same time may limit her rights. “Western” – a man and a woman are equal and at the same time do not owe each other anything.

Obviously these are extremes. Truth is in the middle.

Each person has both feminine and masculine energy. But these energies are different.

Feminine energy is lunar, since ancient times it is believed that the moon symbolizes the feminine principle. This is the energy of acceptance. Masculine energy is solar, as the Sun symbolizes masculine nature. This is the energy of fire, action, and struggle. Accordingly, we expect clarity, activity, purposefulness from men, and softness, love and care from women.

Four sources of feminine energy plus a test

Test: “Which energy do you have more: female or male one?”

Get into a comfortable position, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths in and out. Feel how you relax with each exhalation. Breathing becomes even, calm, natural.

Mentally transfer yourself to the artist’s sunny attic and imagine yourself walking through it. You smell a light scent of paint, wood, paper. Sunbeams illuminate the room through the glass ceiling.

You see a huge canvas in front of you. A full-length sketch of your portrait is made on it in pencil. Nearby is a palette with red and white paint. Take a brush in your hands and start painting the portrait: face, hair, arms, legs, body … Do it slowly, calmly, enjoying the process.

When the portrait is ready, step back a couple of steps and take a look at your creation. Evaluate which color predominates in the painting: red or white?

Remember this ratio. Breathe in and out slowly. Open your eyes.

Decoding the test

Red symbolizes feminine energy and white – masculine. If there was more red in the picture, it means that at the moment you are dominated by feminine energy. If white – male one.

The ideal proportion for a woman is 25/75, where 25% is maleenergy and 75% is female one. For a man, on the contrary: 25% is female energy, and 75% is male one.

  • If a woman is dominated by feminine energy, and in a man – masculine, their relationship develops harmoniously.
  • If both a woman and a man are dominated by female energy, both in a couple will be passive, sooner or later they will become bored.
  • If both a woman and a man are dominated by male energy, then at first there will be drive and fire in the relationship, but sooner or later the competition will turn into a struggle, and the couple will disintegrate.
  • If male energy prevails in a woman, and female energy prevails in a man, such a relationship will suit both for a while, then the woman will get tired of someone else’s role and conflicts will begin.
ilapothecary Feminine Happy Oil 100ml

How to fill yourself with feminine energy?

There are four sources of feminine energy and three basic conditions under which one can be filled with it.

Sources of feminine energy:

  • Beauty. We are filled with energy when we admire beautiful objects and views, works of art, decorate our house, wear stylish clothes, etc.
  • Communication. We receive a positive charge through communication with friends, family members.
  • Purity. When the space around us is clean, when the house is tidy and cozy, we feel light and comfortable.
  • Art. Each of us has something to his liking. Art allows you to express your individuality and gives you the desire to move forward.

Remember: every woman is unique, so it is important to find what fulfills you.

Three basic conditions for filling with feminine energy:

  • The state of trust. It is important to live with the feeling that you will always find the best solution and everything will turn out in the best possible way.
  • Feeling safe. The feeling of security can be given by a partner or father or close male friend.
  • Life at its own pace. It is important to understand what rhythm of life suits you and stick to it. 

Nature made women and men different. Follow your essence and live in the flow – this is the key to harmony, abundance and happy relationships!

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