20 most affordable aphrodisiacs

Caviar, oysters, fried lobster, black truffles are well-known stimulants. They enhance sexual desire, help to tune in an intimate mood and even restore potency. One problem is that the price of these products is rather high.

You can also look for aphrodisiacs among the usual food products. Many of them are stored in our refrigerators:


Buckwheat, flower or chestnut honey is an excellent tonic. It has long been treated for sexual weakness and used as an aphrodisiac for men and women. Honey, which contains almost all useful trace elements, creates sex hormones in the body. And in combination with nuts and dried fruits, it literally turns into a magic potion.


The walnut kernel not only improves brain function, but also supports the functioning of the reproductive system. The nutritional value of this product is very high. In terms of protein content, walnuts are equated to legumes and are significantly ahead of cereals. They contain a record amount of valuable vegetable fats, vitamins and other substances so necessary for humans. Walnuts are a remedy for potency, as well as for the general maintenance of the body’s activity.

Meat and poultry

The fact that meat increases male strength was known back in the Middle Ages. For a long time this belief was unfounded, especially since most men are carnivores, but their potency still leaves much to be desired. Modern research has shown that vegetarians have significantly lower production of sex hormones than meat eaters.

Delicacies such as lamb and bovine testicles are believed to have aphrodisiac properties due to the testosterone they contain. It’s a delusion. During cooking, steroids die, and it is impossible to get the male hormone in this way.


If you replace meat with fish at least several times a week, then the result will not be long in coming. The fact is that fish contains a lot of phosphorus and essential amino acids that support male strength and female libido. Milk and caviar are especially rich in them. It has been noticed that in countries where the national cuisine is based on seafood, people not only look younger, but also much more sexually active.


In the old days, it was believed that quail, passerine and pigeon, as well as partridge eggs, have a beneficial effect on voluptuousness. But chicken eggs are also considered aphrodisiacs, especially their yolks. These are powerful energy carriers. By the way, the famous ladies’ man Henry IV drank cognac mixed with chicken yolk every day.


When scientists began looking for foods that stimulate sexuality, they made a number of discoveries. It turns out that vegetables contain everything you need to restore potency. And if you add more plants to the menu, your health will improve, and your intimate life will sparkle with new colors.


In the old days, only pink onions, which were prescribed to be eaten raw, were considered an aphrodisiac. Later it turned out that ordinary white onion also balances the hormonal system of the body and rejuvenates it.

To awaken masculine strength, it is useful to eat onions every day. And if you combine it with egg yolks, the effect will surpass expectations. 


Not only the vitamins and microelements, which the root vegetable is rich in, improve potency, but also its phallic form causes erotic fantasies. In the old days, carrots were highly prized in the Middle East – they served as means of seduction and were used in erotic games.


This vegetable does not contain trace elements that affect testosterone levels. But its phallic shape and fresh scent have a strong aphrodisiac effect. According to research, the smell of fresh cucumber is considered one of the most stimulating.


In the old days this root vegetable was also used as a treatment for sexual impotence. For this, healers boiled turnips in milk, carrot juice and honey. To return the joy of love, it was recommended to drink this potion daily.


Truffles are not the only stimulants. Common wild mushrooms and champignons are also useful for enhancing eroticism, both boiled and pickled. They improve spermatogenesis in men and improve sexual function in women. And all thanks to zinc and other trace elements that have a positive effect on the reproductive system.


Celery root instantly rejuvenates the body and stimulates the sex glands. This is an excellent remedy for restoring potency.


Like celery, asparagus is one of the top aphrodisiacs. Once upon a time in France there was a special custom, according to which the groom was fed with asparagus dishes.


To replenish sexual energy, you need not only vegetables, but also fruits. Almost all fruits contain vitamin C, which normalizes blood circulation and vascular insufficiency of the genital organs.


Fragrant, juicy, piquant in taste, apricots in ancient China were a symbol of sensual nature. With their scent, they awaken desire and imagination.


The Chinese identified this fruit, like the apricot, with love, attraction, and sexuality. Its rounded, heart-shaped shape, blush as well as silky, fluffy skin and juicy flesh stimulates sensuality and desire. And vitamins and trace elements contained in fruits have a beneficial effect on libido.


This tropical fruit is known for its seductive and stimulating properties. Not only is it reminiscent of the male genital organ in shape, but also it contains a set of alkaline minerals that restore male erection.


Grapes have earned a reputation as an aphrodisiac since ancient times. And if you want to spur your libido and enhance your imagination, it should be included in the menu.


The orange blossom is a symbol of virginity and purity. The fresh aroma and sweetness stimulates the imagination and sex drive.


Any greens are useful for enhancing sexual activity: dill, parsley, thyme, mint, cilantro. But they need to be consumed fresh, since cooking reduces efficiency.

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It’s no wonder that oriental cuisine respects spices so much. Pepper, saffron, rosemary, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and other spices increase blood circulation and potency.


In small quantities, alcohol is an excellent aphrodisiac. It relaxes, relieves stress, excites and sharpens sensuality. But in large quantities, alcohol greatly inhibits the functioning of the central nervous system and suppresses erections.

It has been proven that men and women who have rugular sex live longer, look better and feel great. Therefore, the desire to increase potency and libido is quite justified. Moreover, this does not require anything special – healthy food, fresh air and physical activity and you’ll have a great intimate life.

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