How to quickly and tasty cook trout in a slow cooker


A little about trout

How to steam stuffed trout in a slow cooker

Steamed fish with vegetables

Fish stuffed with shrimps, tomatoes and onions

Fish stuffed with herbs, cheese and tomatoes

A little about trout

Trout can be used for almost any kind of culinary processing: it is smoked, stewed, cooked on charcoal, steamed and fried, pickled and boiled, stuffed with fruits and nuts, and baked whole.

The easiest way to cook trout is in a multicooker. It takes a minimum of time and effort. It turns out trout in a multicooker is always juicy, aromatic and very tasty.

How to steam stuffed trout in a slow cooker

You can safely treat children to steam trout in a multicooker. This dish is good for dinner.

Steamed fish with vegetables

How to quickly and tasty cook trout in a slow cooker


Trout (fillet) – 0,5 lb

Brussels sprouts – 0,3 lb

Potatoes – 0,4 lb

Bulgarian pepper – 0,15 lb

Water – 0.26 gal

Spices, salt


  • Prepare the fillet. Gut, clean, rinse. Rub with spices and salt.
  • Cut the potatoes and peppers into random pieces.
  • Pour water into the multicooker bowl. Install a container-steamer on top. Put all the ingredients on it. Salt if desired.
  • Close the lid. Select the “Steam” mode in the menu. Set as a product “Fish”, set the time to 15 minutes and turn on the “Start” button.

Fish stuffed with shrimps, tomatoes and onions

How to quickly and tasty cook trout in a slow cooker


Rainbow trout – 1 pc

Peeled shrimps – 0,35 oz

Onions – 0,1 lb

Tomatoes – 0,2 lb

Spices, salt


  • Gut the carcass, remove the scales and wash. Rinse the shrimps, put them on a sieve, and drain the water.
  • Cut the tomatoes and onions into  cubes. Add the shrimps.
  • Stuff the fish with the mixture, coat with spices, salt.
  • Wrap it in a two-layer sheet of foil and turn it into the multicooker bowl.
  • Close the lid, select the “Baking” mode in the “Menu” program. Timed timer for 40 minutes. Cook until the end of the specified time.

Fish stuffed with herbs, cheese and tomatoes


Tomatoes – 1,15lb

Rainbow trout – 1 pc

Hard cheese – 0,7 oz

Onions – 0,1 lb

Greens – 0,35 oz


  • Gut the carcass, peel and wash. Cut onions, tomatoes into cubes, chop the greens with a knife, and grate the cheese.
  • Mix greens, cheese, tomatoes and onions. Stuff the fish carcass with the resulting mixture of vegetables and herbs, rub with spices and salt.
  • Wrap the trout in a special two-layer sheet of foil and place in a multicooker bowl.
  • Close the lid, set it in the Baking program menu, set the time to 50 minutes and use the Start button.

Likewise, you can easily cook this fish stuffed with potatoes and mushrooms. The potatoes are needed raw, but the initial mushrooms are boiled and lightly fried.

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