Child safety at home: protective mechanisms and accessories

Making space for a child’s life is a rather important mission that is entrusted to parents. In addition to a beautiful decoration, an atmosphere of general comfort, you need to take care of proper protection. The safety of a child at home implies psychological and physical aspects that depend on the parents.

The physical aspects are provided by thoughtful details. For example, you need to restrict access to electrical appliances or put blocks on all sockets. Curious kids explore the world with a special interest, so parents need to competently “filter” the possibilities of such an acquaintance.

Child injury risk: what places are dangerous at home?

You have to determine all the dangerous places for the baby at your house. Keeping your child safe at home starts with exploring your own apartment through their eyes. From your height, you may not notice interesting details that will attract a child.

As a rule, a set of safety accessories is represented by all the necessary elements. But at the same time, you need to determine the potential danger to your child in specific conditions. First of all, the risk of injury is caused due to:

  • heights – window sills, stairs, chairs and even a crib can be especially dangerous;
  • extra objects around newborns, which can causes suffocation;
  • small toys and details – unconsciously, babies drag into their mouths everything that comes on their way;
  • hanging tablecloths from tables, burners on the stove;
  • electric current and appliances.

Often the babies are left on their own when the mother cooks dinner or cleans the house. It is necessary to secure all areas that may affect health or pose any threat.

In many cases, constant monitoring allows you to secure the child. But this decision is not always correct and convenient. The vigilance of parents can be complemented in parallel by the safe functionality of the house.

Safety equipment: what ensures normal conditions?

So, what is desirable to purchase for the home in order to create a child’s safety in the house? Many manufacturers of children’s products produce not only furniture, but also a series of accessories to effectively protect the space. These include staples and boxes for storing wires, lamps, shock absorbers, corner pads, anti-slip films.

Not always parental words like “watch your step”, “walk calmly” and “be careful” work. In fact, it is not difficult to equip a house in the right way. We offer the main positions that you can consider as the basis of security.

  1. Security gate

Child protection at home can be ensured by a safety gate. This is a common design that resembles the classic look of a partition or fence. Child safety gates are installed in a doorway, at the top of a staircase or other narrow space.

Only an adult can remove or open child safety fences. The main characteristics of this design:

  • mobility and static – you can choose a model that is fixed on a permanent basis or moves;
  • several options for materials that are safe for the child and do not emit toxic substances;
  • reliable installation without violating the integrity of the wall.

It is noteworthy that the security gates and partitions are a kind of barrier not only for the child. So you can limit the movement of animals around the house.

  1. Blockers for windows

Another important element is the window blocker. It is a lock that does not allow you to move the handle. There are several types of child locks for windows:

  • a separate key – you do not always need to carry it with you, usually manufacturers think through the practical side of using it to open a moving element;
  • boxes with a metal bracket – mounted on the underside of the movable frame;
  • flexible cable and lock with the key.

Blockers prevent the child from opening windows, which is important for private houses and apartments.

  1. Corner protection

Children table corner guards help prevent injury from hitting a hard, sharp surface. Such nozzles and stickers soften the angle without leading to serious consequences. Protection against sharp corners for children is necessary for:

  • shelves;
  • tables;
  • low pedestals;
  • glass coffee tables.

The material used is silicone or plastic. Such details repeat the shape of the corner, but have a smoother turn.

  1. Protection for sockets

Protection against children in this case is presented in the form of special plugs. They are installed inside the outlet and tightly fixed there. The device is taken away by clicking on several points at once. This combination is difficult for the child, so the risk of using outlet is minimal.

When do you need to act?

To protect the child from any traumatic elements in the apartment, you need to provide proper protection in time. You have to do this gradually. For example, while the baby is not able to walk, it makes no sense to install mounts at corners.

Safety for the child at home can be gradually increased depending on the needs. For example, while the windows are at a sufficiently high level or have built-in protective mechanisms, it is worth paying attention to the safety of the space that the baby explores by crawling.

Choose kits that contain the most important parts for your situation. This way you save and buy only the necessary elements that will help in creating the safe functionality of each room.

Lady Life  Magazine