5-year-old mother – is it possible?

The youngest mother in the history of medicine

Birthday: 09/27/1933

Place of birth: Tikrapo, Peru

Date of death: 11.2015, Peru

Age: 82

Citizenship: Peru

When a five-year-old girl was examined by a doctor, at first her swollen belly was taken for a tumor. However, the reality surpassed even the most unexpected forecasts – Lina, who at that time was 5 years and 7 months old, was pregnant. Her pregnancy was approaching seven months.

A resident of Peru (Peru), the youngest mother in the history of medicine.

Lina Medina was born in 1933 in Ticrapo, Peru (Ticrapo, Peru). In 1939, her parents, Tiburelo Medina and Victoria Losea, brought their five-year-old daughter to the hospital with a bloated stomach. The doctors immediately determined that the girl had some strange tumor. However, very soon the cause of the tumor was explained – it was pregnancy. Dr. Gerardo Lozada was puzzled and even took the girl to Lima. But even there everything was confirmed – Lina Medina was pregnant.

On May 14, 1939, Lina Medina gave birth to a son. Of course, due to the mother’s age and her still underdeveloped pelvis, there was no talk of normal childbirth – Lima’s baby was born by cesarean section. The boy turned out to be quite healthy and weighed 2.7 kg (4,4 lbs); and was named Gerardo, in honor of Lina’s physician.

5-year-old mother - is it possible?

This case was written in many world media outlets – indeed, the world has already seen many young mothers, but five-year-old Lina broke all the records. Such a thing had never happened before.

According to a report from those years, published in ‘La Presse Médicale’, the girl began her period at 4 years old, and by the age of 5 she already had fully formed mammary glands.

The circumstances of how Medina became pregnant and who was the child’s father have never been made public. Lina herself did not mention a single name. Her father was detained on suspicion, but he was soon released because of the lack of evidence. So, rape – and this could only qualify as rape – remained unpunished. It was also said in the newspapers that in villages like the one in which the Medina family lived, festivities with orgies were common, and, probably, a 5-year-old girl became the victim of one of these orgies.

Meanwhile, Gerardo was growing up, he was raised as the brother of Lina herself, and he only found out who his biological mother really was at the age of 10.

Later, Lina worked in the clinic of the same doctor Lozada, who helped with her labor and who subsequently continued to take care of the strangest patient in all his practice. So, he gave her an education, and also helped her son to enter school.

Lina Medina kept the secret of the conception of her first son to the end. She never contacted journalists and always refused to give any interviews.

It is known that in 2002, Lina and her husband lived in a poor area of ​​Lima known as Chicago Chico ( or ‘Little Chicago’).

There are two officially documented photographs of 5-year-old Lina. In one of them, a naked girl was filmed in profile – this picture officially confirms the girl’s pregnancy, and also shows her physiological development at that time.

5-year-old mother - is it possible?

 In another picture, Lina’s son is already almost a year old, he is sitting in a pushchair, and an elegant Lina is standing next to him with a doctor.

5-year-old mother - is it possible?

It is known that Gerardo grew up a healthy guy, but he died early, at the age of 40, from a bone marrow disease.

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