How to become outstanding and charming?

An unusual life. Eight habits of interesting people. How to become entertaining, outstanding, and charming?
There is no one less interesting than someone who hides his true face for fear that others will not like it.

Interesting people have a special appeal. They tell incredible stories and lead extraordinary lives. But what exactly makes them so charming?

First of all, they are curious. Interesting personalities always explore the world around with enthusiasm, and the energy radiates from them.

Some people are naturally interesting, but there are also ways to learn how to be more entertaining. Dr. Claire Nixon is known at Texas A&M University as an incredibly interesting accounting professor. What makes Dr. Nixon so special? He is so good at making things fun that he not only teaches accounting but also lectures on how to be more interesting.

Interesting people are constantly obsessed with curiosity.

Indeed, anyone can learn to be more interesting, which is great because it can help you strengthen your connections, win more clients and be more effective.

Most interesting people share several common habits. Sometimes these habits are formed naturally, but more often they are the result of conscious effort. This is what interesting people do to be entertaining, outstanding, and charming.

1. They are in love with their work. Jane Goodall, a truly interesting personality, left her home in England and moved to Tanzania at the age of 26 to start studying chimpanzees. It became her life’s work, and Goodall devoted herself entirely to it, inspiring many others. Interesting people aren’t just interested in something – they have passions and are totally committed to them.

2. They try new things. Interesting people do what they are interested in. They know what they want and they have the courage to move in that direction. This often involves trying new things – at the beginning they can be just terrible at what they are doing, but they do not give up and keep on trying and learning. In addition, the search for new experiences has a great effect on the mood, and people who are happy are attractive and much more interesting than depressive nerds.

3. They don’t hide their quirks. Interesting people often have extraordinary preferences that do not fit into generally accepted norms. But they are open and not ashamed of who they are, not hiding their unusual inclinations from anyone. For example, billionaire Warren Buffett has never lived a lavish lifestyle. Instead, he still lives in the same modest home he bought in 1958 for $ 31,500. It may seem bizarre – or even odd – that such a wealthy person lives so modestly, but Buffett doesn’t sacrifice his preferences to the expectations of those around him.

4. They avoid mass hobbies. There is nothing more boring than following fashion trends, and interesting people tend to make their own way. Usually, there is nothing wrong with what everyone else does, it’s just that interesting people – innovators who break the usual course of things in order to promote new, exciting and, of course, interesting ideas.

5. They leave their egos outside the door. A narcissist is never interesting. Narcissistic people always worry about how they will look in the eyes of others. It’s really tedious. Take Oprah Winfrey, one more interesting person. In a speech to Stanford University alumni in 2008, she said: “The trick is learning to leave your ego outside the door and start listening to your intuition instead. Every right decision I ever made – I owe it to it. And every wrong decision was the result of ignoring my inner voice.” Oprah’s advice is very important: follow your values, goals and ambitions, instead of worrying about how you look.

6. They are always learning. From the perspective of interesting people, the world is full of endless possibilities. This curiosity about the unknown encourages continuous learning, fueled by an unquenchable desire to discover the unknown. Despite his intelligence and accomplishments, Albert Einstein retained a sense of wonder throughout his life, which made him keep asking questions about the world. Like Einstein, interesting people are constantly curious.

7. They share their discoveries. The only thing interesting people enjoy as much as they learn is to share their discoveries with others. And while some may have fun telling incredible stories about their exciting travels, there is more to it. Interesting people look closely at their interlocutor, trying to understand what arouses his interest. They do not talk in order to tell about all the remarkable things that happened to them – they talk in order to please those who listen to them.

8. They are not worried about what others think of them. There is no one less interesting than someone who hides his true face for fear that others may not like it. On the contrary, interesting people are true to themselves, wherever they are, whoever they are and whatever they do. Interesting people are genuine. The famous English writer Charles Dickens was a prime example of this. Regardless of where he worked – at a friend’s house or

in a hotel – he brought with him special pens and objects, which he arranged in a certain way. And although his behavior might seem strange, he was always true to himself.

Summing up

It may not always be easy to introduce these habits into your daily life, but that’s exactly what makes interesting people interesting – they go against the flow and this is undoubtedly interesting. And while I know you are already a remarkable personality, never forget to keep exploring the world and stay true to yourself.

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