Can I wash my hair every day?

wash head

To dry or not to dry?

Every woman wants to look well-groomed and attractive, and a man with dirty hair looks very repulsive. That is why the question – is it possible to wash your hair every day – worries the minds of our contemporaries so often. It is caused primarily by the fact that most people have heard about the protective function of sebum, which is destroyed during washing.

Of course, this may seem dangerous at the first glance. Indeed, without a natural protective layer, hair becomes vulnerable and may even begin to fall out. However, you should not worry about this, since the human body is a true “opportunist”. A new protective layer will immediately replace the washed off sebum. The sebaceous glands will definitely take care of this.

However, another question arises: whether it is possible to wash your hair every day. More often than not, people are afraid of the appearance of dandruff, rather than worry about protecting their hair. But dandruff and oily seborrhea are fungal diseases that are easier to acquire after trying on someone else’s headdress or using another person’s comb. From frequent shampooing, these diseases do not appear. Although it is possible to cause some peeling of the skin. But only on condition that you choose the wrong hair care products.

How can you wash your hair daily?

For those who choose daily shampooing, it is very important to understand what products could be used for this. Therefore, the most important task for everybody is to learn how to read labels. On gentle shampoos that do not irritate the skin, it is necessarily indicated that they are for daily use. These funds necessarily include various useful components. For example, it can be all kinds of nutritious oils (jojoba, tea tree, and others) and vitamin supplements. Also, baby shampoos that do not contain aggressive ingredients, and therefore cannot negatively affect the condition of your hair, are perfect for daily shampooing.

In addition, choosing the right product for washing, you should also take care of moisturizing balms and hair masks. After all, they will have to deal with the aggressive environment of chlorinated tap water every day. Therefore, the balm must be used every day, and the nourishing mask at least 1 time per week.

Kevin Murphy Plumping Wash and Rinse for Thinning Hair Duo set, 8.4 oz.

To dry or not to dry?

Daily shampooing before work forces women to use a hairdryer very often. However, everyone knows that this household appliance can dry out hair and thin its structure. Also, no one doubts that the daily use of a hair dryer can lead to flaking of the skin, which is often mistaken for dandruff. That is why the question of whether it is possible to wash and dry your head every day arises for almost every working woman.

The answer to this question is quite simple. You can do it for sure! But only as long as if the distance between the hair dryer and the hair during drying is at least 20-25 cm. In addition, it is advisable to use a gentle mode (dry the hair only with warm or cool air). Especially if your hair is thin.

Naturally, the final decision on whether to wash your hair every day will have to be made on your own. However, remember that there are times when you should refrain from this procedure. In particular, this applies to those days when you feel unwell. After all, even a mild runny nose can develop into a serious illness from mild hypothermia, which always accompanies washing and drying hair.

Kevin Murphy Smooth.Again.Wash, 8.4 Ounce
Lady Life  Magazine